Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems


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Marc's Place


Powered by the Blogspot.stack

Webshop.stack v1.0.8 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.8 of the Webshop.stack was released on 23 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Added a new button 'Remove all' to the products-list under the Cart in the Toolbar, to clear the whole cart at once. This also resets the session.

- The names / descriptions of Options, Costs and Discounts do not have to be unique anymore. You can now use the same description (aka 'key') in various contexts, like different categories or tags.

- Improved database synchronisation of new products and new discount coupons.

- Added a new admin cq. dashboard page: /files/wsaratings.php to moderate product reviews.

- Improved date filters in the WSA-applications.

- Fixed 'required' display bug in Cart options.


Webshop.stack v1.0.7 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.7 of the Webshop.stack was released on 16 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Added an option 'Show only in Versions' in 'Products', under 'Grouping', attached to 'Groups'. When using groups to create 'Versions', you can now exclude products from the 'Catalog' and have them only show up in the 'Product Versions'-bar.

- Added two new admin cq. dashboard pages:

  • /files/wsaproducts.php to manage product's stock.
  • /files/wsadownloads.php to manage digital downloads.
  • (see Stock Management Dashboard for more info).

- Fixed the column titles of the CSV-export in WSA-applications.

- Last sort column and direction are now memorized during the session in WSA-applications.

- Fixed the digital download problem where only a part of the file would be downloaded.

- Fixed other minor issues in WSA-applications.


Webshop.stack v1.0.6 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.6 of the Webshop.stack was released on 9 February 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- When testing your webshop locally, you can now clear the cart's session contents by checking 'Enable maintenance mode', click the 'Preview'-eye, and then uncheck 'Enable maintenance mode'. New products are only added to the database once per user-session, to prevent unnecessary reading of the database at each page load; so when the session is cleared, a new user-session is initiated and thus will the database be updated.

- Fixed the Time Zone in the API file. It now reads the Time Zone from the Webshop's settings.

- Fixed a bug that would prevent products from showing up, when 'Webshop -> Catalog -> Page numbers' was set to 'Bottom'.

- Fixed a bug that would display a wrong month in the product's JSON-LD.

- Added headings 'Discounts' (is also the default) and 'Costs' (is also the default) in the Cart-localization settings.

- Added heading 'Customer' (is also the default) in the Admin-localization settings.

- Added the first admin page: /files/wsaorders.php (see Stock Management Dashboard for more info).

- Added translateable texts and date/time formats to the 'Localization' substack, in the 'Admin'-section.

- Removed some texts from the 'Admin'-section in the 'Localization' substack, because those were never going to be used.


Webshop.stack v1.0.5 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.5 of the Webshop.stack was released on 25 January 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Improved EU VAT handling regarding combinations between Default Country, VAT Country or no VAT-Country, VAT-ID Prefix or no VAT-ID and Customer's country.


Webshop.stack v1.0.4 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.4 of the Webshop.stack was released on 24 January 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- The Price in Option Sets can now be max +/- 1000.00 instead of 100.00.

- Renamed 'Czech Republic' to 'Czechia' in country drop down menus.

- Increased the maximum number of Shipping Rules, Cart and/or Product options, Costs, Discounts and Countries & Taxes substacks from the default 25 to 500 and Products to 5000.

- Increased the number of options in 'Cart and/or Product options' for 'Drop-down menu' or 'Checkboxes' from 5 to 10.

- Improved speed by using new functions for detecting Cart and/or Product options.

- Improved EU VAT handling regarding selling digital downloadable products.

- Added a new checkbox to force local VAT for digital products when your revenue from selling digital products to consumers is less than 10000 EUR.
- VAT is now split per country when you have to calulate VAT of the buyer's EU-country, when it is different from your EU-country.
- Added the VAT/TAX countries, tax percentages and amounts to the webhook data, in the 'payment->taxes'-array.
See the manual under 'Webshop Stack Settings -> Cart/Checkout', 'Countries and taxes' and 'Products'.

- Improved reading the publishing date from the Product. An AM/PM date could result in a faulty date and not show any product in the catalog.

- Reduced the serial number check to once per session.

- Added a memory cleanup before serving a downloadable file.

- Fixed replacing '%i' placeholders in Discounts and Costs names.


Initial release of the Webshop.stack for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.0 of the Webshop.stack was released on 4 January 2024

After a year working hard on a RapidCart Pro replacement, it is finally there.

The easiest way to create a full featured webshop!

Have a look at the manual here , or buy it now! .

There is a promotion discount of €16,50 until 4 Feb 2024 !


Easiest star-rating code for PHP

I have added a how-to to make a simple and easy star-rating for whatever you would like to add a rating-possibility to...
You need a MySQL database, or some other data source, jQuery and PHP for this example.

SetEXIFData 10.7 #setexifdata #photo #foto #image #fotobewerking #exiftool #exif #exifdata #photography #fotografie #keywords #copyright #author #artist #xojo

setexifdata A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(13 Sep 2023)


  • - Increased the maximum of the number of days you can add or subtract to -9999 and +9999.
  • - Improved error handling when trying to preview a file that is not a media file.

SetEXIFData 10.6

setexifdata A new version of SetEXIFData is now available:

(21 Aug 2023)


  • - License deactivation process.


  • - Splash and Geotag window in Dark Mode.

The Blogspot.stack 1.4.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver #blogspot #blogger #stacks #yourhead #rapidweaver #realmac #webtools


Version 1.4.0 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 19 July 2023

If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account, or update from within RapidWeaver.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • Old curly braces code fixed.
  •  Comments
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