Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems


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Marc's Place


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SetEXIFData 5.0

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:


As of version 5, SetEXIFData is now shareware.

If you have donated for SetEXIFData in the past, please e-mail me your Paypal transaction-reference and I will e-mail you your serial number. I am asking you to take action yourself, because email addresses on file are not always actual anymore.

- Added 'Email address' and 'Serial number' fields and a processing limit of max 5 photos a time. When you make a donation, you will get a serial number mailed to your PayPal email address. Enter both in the appropriate fields in the 'About..'-window and the processing limit will be removed.
- Added SubSeconds (or Burst Sequence Number or ImageNumber or ImageCount) to the Date/Time settings. You can insert a value in just this field if you only want to number photos - no need to fill dates/times. It wil set the following EXIF attributes: SequenceNumber, ImageCount, ImageNumber, SubSecTime, SubSecTimeOriginal. When 'Set Creation Date/Time ...' is checked, also the EXIF attribute 'SubSecTimeDigitized' wil be altered.
- Added '%x' pattern in 'Retrieve Date/Time from file name' to retrieve 3 digits from the file's name and store that number in the previous mentioned EXIF fields. It is up to you to correctly position this placeholder. Read the manual on my website on how to do this.
- Added '%x' pattern to the rename-pattern in 'Document name' when the 'Rename' checkbox is checked. When '%x' is found, the following number from the EXIF data is taken to rename the image file with: SequenceNumber, ImageNumber, ImageCount, ShutterCount, ShotNumberSincePowerUp, SubSecTime, SubSecTimeOriginal or SubSecTimeDigitized - whichever comes first.

- The main window is now resizable.
- No readme cq. manual included in the download any more. The always up-to-date version can be found by clicking the link on this 'About...'-window.

- 'Autofill' caused problems with processing multiple images.
- 'Titlecase' did not always work. Now you have to explicitly execute it by clicking a button. This way you can titlecase keywords and afterwards lowercase individual words, like 'and' and 'or', by hand.
- Possible crash while renaming files based on EXIF dates is repaired.
- Various internal improvements.

SetEXIFData 4.7 PPC

A new version of SetEXIFData for PowerPC, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:

Version 5.0 is also out, but that one is Intel-only and as of now also shareware.
You can keep using this PPC version for as long as you like.
The PPC version will receive no functionality updates, only bugs will be fixed.

- 'Autofill' caused problems with processing multiple images.
- Possible crash while renaming files based on EXIF dates is repaired.

Foto: Bodembedekkers



De mengeling van groen, de verschillende soorten plantjes enm dat het geheel de bodem bedekt maakt het voor mij een mooi beeld om naar te kijken.

The mix of green, different types of plants and that it completely covers the ground makes it a beautiful image for me to look at.

Foto: Amphibious car / Amfibie-auto

Amfibie auto

Amfibie auto

I found this photo while scanning my parent's collection. An amphibious car. It must have been taken in the 1960's I think. After googling a bit, I found it under

CSVviewer - Quicklook CSV files #utility #macos #linux #windows #csv #database

CSVviewer (formerly known as TABviewer) is a tool which shows the contents of text files, where data of each line is equally separated by either a semicolon, a comma or a tab-character.

You can download it here.

SetEXIFData 4.6

A new version of SetEXIFData, my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey, is now available:

On request:
- Compiled a Universal Binary (UB) version for use on PowerPC and older Intel Macs. You can download it from my site.
- Added 'Save as set' for Geotags. If 'Put address in comment' is checked, the Comment (street address) is saved with the GPS coordinates.
- A double-click on a row in the EXIF-list inside the drawer, copies the value of the right column to the clipboard.
- Improved test if 'exiftool' has been installed.

A note about the Universal Binary (UB) version
Since september 2016 there is a UB version available, for PowerPC and Intel Macs. The UB version is still 1:1 the same with the current Intel version, but may differ in the future, since I use my old Powerbook G4 to keep the UB version current. When it dies, the UB version developments will also stop. Until then I will do my best to keep both versions the same qua functionality.

- Negative intervals lower than -9, like -10, could not be entered.

Save and Restore Mac OS X Finder Windows, with Tabs and Positions

Since Apple released Mavericks (10.9), the Finder doesn't save and restore its open windows, and the tabs inside these windows. I find this a real nuisance and it wonders me why Apple haven't been able to fix this. I tried writing 'defaults' settings, with no effect.

Anyway, then I decided to write my own solution, in AppleScript. You can download them from this page, second entry.

Foto: Azrael in het vogelhuisje

Azrael in vogelhuisje

Azrael in vogelhuisje

Azrael in the birdhouse - no bird gets in here!

New Subtle Faces - Nieuwe Subtiele Gezichten

I have added two new 'faces' to -> the collection :
Ik heb twee nieuwe 'gezichten' toegevoegd aan -> de collectie :


The Best Snack

The Best Snack

The Best Snack

Red wine, dark chocolate (72%) and artisan bread. Can't get enough of this!
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