Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems


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Marc's Place


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ICSviewer 4.7 #icsviewer #ical #calendar #viewer #xojo #event #planning #planned #timeline

My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated

Bug fixes:

- Serial number check API call fixed.

- Number of activations is now shwon in the 'About...' window.

Ruimteschepen 2000-2100 #sciencefiction #sf #fantasy #spaceship #kunst #schilderij


Voor de SF-fans, het boek 'Ruimteschepen 2000-2100, Handboek van de Terran Trade Authority' gedigitaliseerd.

Hier kan je het boek (.cbz) downloaden

Rhaa Lovely strips #rhaalovely #comic #stripboek #vintage


Ik kreeg van iemand een stapel Rhaa Lovely's uit de jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw, de nummers 1 t/m 18.
Ik heb ze ingescand, enkel de verhalen die ik het leukste vind.

Hier is het overzicht en hier kan je ze downloaden

Echeveria avagoides (succulente)

In 2016 geleden heb ik bij de ALDI een pot met de Echeveria avagoides (succulente) gekocht.
En plotseling, na 8 jaar, begint deze te bloeien! Zie hier ...

In 2016 I bought a pot of Echeveria avagoides (succulent) at ALDI.
And suddenly, after 8 years, it starts to bloom! See here ...


Pidoc - Professional Imaging Documentation 1996

Bij het opruimen van m'n boekenkast kwam ik Pidoc tegen, een losbladig naslagwerk uit 1996, uitgegeven door P/F Publishing, over digitale beelden en beeldverwerking, en wat er bij komt kijken.
Helaas bestaat deze uitgave niet digitaal, dus heb ik alle pagina's ingescand .


Webshop.stack v1.1.1 for Stacks with RapidWeaver #webshop #onlineshop #onlinestore #yourhead #rapidweaver #realmac #webtools

webshop.stack Version 1.1.1 of the Webshop.stack was released on 30 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug in WSAPI with the determination of taxes when the country was not listed under 'Countries and Taxes'.

- Improved sending mail to the 'Send copy to' email address.


Hey, if you're going totally DIY, you cannot survive without these :

Due to the hexagonal base, they fit almost every drill and electric screwdriver

One can't do handyman jobs without those Bosch Titanium drills!


Webshop.stack v1.1.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver #webshop #onlineshop #onlinestore #yourhead #rapidweaver #realmac #webtools

webshop.stack Version 1.1.0 of the Webshop.stack was released on 17 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug with the determination of taxes when the country was not listed under 'Countries and Taxes'.


RenameFiles 2.7 #renamefiles #rename #files #tools #utility #macos #windows #xojo

A new version of RenameFiles is now available:

(8 Mar 2024)

- Fixed a bug with moving text that appeared after a Xojo update.
- Fixed Remove from/to: you can now also remove 1 character.
- Added: 'Move to' to enable moving the cut string to a position in the new string. The 'Move to' position is the position in the NEW string, not in the old string..
- Supports Dark Mode.
- New icons for Light and Dark Mode.
- Fixed increment fields: when < 0 or <= 0, the field is set to empty.


Webshop.stack v1.0.9 for Stacks with RapidWeaver

webshop.stack Version 1.0.9 of the Webshop.stack was released on 1 March 2024

Changes, additions and improvements:

- Fixed a bug when 'Apply taxes' in the 'Product' was set to 'None'.

- Fixed a bug when 'Sold out' in the indivudual 'Product' page should (not) be displayed.

- Fixed a bug where an empty coupon code record was inserted in the coupons-table.

- Fixed a bug when the buyer's names were entered without a space in between. Now, an error message is displayed when only one word is found. For example, 'J.Smith' is one word, but 'J. Smith' are two words. The webshop will try to put a space between the last dot and the following word, to avoid the error message. Reason: Paypal and Mollie require a 'first' and 'last' name.

- Fixed a logic error where one could order a product directly from the catalog without seeing, and adding, the availabe options. Now, when any option is detected for a product, the 'View product' button is shown, instead of the 'add-to-cart' buttons.

- In the product-stack's title bar, I gave 'Promoted', 'Show only in versions' and 'NOT published' different colors for better recogition of these important settings.

- The 'Back to catalog'-button in the 'Individual product'-page is now also the same blue/white as the others.

- Added a new checkbox to the 'Product'-stack: 'Allow orders?'. This checkbox only appears when 'Stock available?' is unchecked, and only affects physical products. Normally the 'Sold out' message would appear, but now you can still allow orders, which is very handy for (artisan) products that need manufacturing, or for products for which stock is never kept. When checked, a text 'No stock, allow orders' is shown in the products title bar.

- Added a new admin cq. dashboard page: /files/wsacoupons.php to manage coupons.

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