Software development, photography, jokes, ....


Sites by me

tas-logoTransportation Administration System
snoezelkussen-logo-kleinstSnoezelen Pillows for Dementia
ikzoekeenbegeleider-logoBegeleiders voor gehandicapten
Laat uw hond het jaarlijkse vuurwerk overwinnen
Betuweroute en Kunst
logo 50x50Hey Vos! Je eigen emailadres?
Kunst in huis? Nicole Karrèr maakt echt bijzonder mooie dingen
nettylogo2Kunst in huis? Netty Franssen maakt ook bijzonder mooie dingen

Hosting Favorites

ANU Internet Services
XEL Media


Google Translate
jQuery UI
YourHead Stacks API
Favicon Generator.
Password Generator.
Check HTTPS problems



Marc's Place



Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

Below blog is created with the Blogspot.stack using the Categories-filter.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.7 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.7 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 05 April 2019

If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • The use of the jump-break or 'Main page as summary' can break formatting of a post where DIV, SPAN, P and or PRE tags are used, because the closing tags would be missing. The Blogspot stack now tries calculates which closing tags are missing from DIV, SPAN, P and/or PRE tags, and adds them when needed. This ensures a correct display of your posts. But ... you should really limit the use of these tags in your posts, because even this smart solution might not work as expected.
  • The 'Show comment count' now uses your Disqus shortname. In previous versions, it uses a hardcoded test-counter, so please update to this new version.
  • Implemented Sparkle-updates so you can now update to new versions from within Yourhead Software’s Stacks plug-in .

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.6 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.6 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 03 April 2019

If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • The 'jump-break' from Blogger is now honoured, regardless of the 'as a summary' setting. This means you can now add 'Read more...' links to single posts yourself, as you wish, without having to switch to 'Summary'-mode for all posts. A jump-break is added by entering  <!--more-->  in your text on the spot where you want the text to break. More info about the jump-break
  • The 'Read more..' link is now only added when the length of the whole post is not equal to the length of the summary.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.5 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.5 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 04 October 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • Some single quotes caused a crash with PHP 5.3 when using the Interblog-feature.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.4 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.4 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 04 September 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:
  • Texts with wrong information in supporting stacks have been removed.
  • The 999 number of posts when a category was clicked, has been fixed. Now, the number of posts to show from the settings is used.
  • The link 'See older posts' is now enclosed in a DIV and does not float right of a small blog post any more.
  • RSSFeed.stack has been updated to v1.1.0:
    • A new setting has been introduced to show or hide the 'Copy' button. When enabled and the user clicks this button, the RSS Feed link is copied to the user's clipboard.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.3 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.3 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 05 June 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • Fix that caused an unexpected '[' on some installations of PHP v5.4 or lower.
  • Fix that caused an unrecognised constants SORT_NATURAL and SORT_FLAG_CASE on PHP v5.3 or lower. If PHP 5.3 or lower, SORT_STRING is used.
  • Added a META tag in the HEAD-section which contains the actual PHP-version.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.1 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.1 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 19 March 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • When using Disqus, you can now have the number of comments shown, in each post.
  • Categories, archives and the RSS-feed would not render with some PHP installations. Reason: on those servers PHP is not allowed to fetch data via regular PHP commands. This has been fixed by using HTTP requests.

The Blogspot Stack 1.2.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.2.0 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 16 March 2018

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

Changes, additions and fixes:

  • You can now change FontAwesome icons. There is a new section, called 'FontAwesome Icons', where the checkbox has been moved to and input fields are added where you can change the icons, supported by Stacks :
  • The RSS-feed link now links to XML data, generated by the Blogspot.stack, on your own webpage. The XML data is pulled from Blogger and the links to your Blogger-posts are changed so they point to your webpage's blog. When you have chosen to filter the posts by category or categories, the RSSfeed data is also filtered by those same categories.
  • Added a blank option to the 'Time format'-popup menu. When chosen, only the post's date will be shown.
  • Removed the 'Show RSS link'-checkbox. If you want to list the RSS link, place the 'Blogspot RSS Feed link'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
  • Removed the 'Enable categories'-checkbox. If you want to list the list of categories, place the 'Blogspot Categories'-stack where you want it, or use the code snippet.
  • Added CSS to .blog-entry and .blog-entry-body classes, so the use of float and other styles do not affect the layout.
  • Version number in edit-mode now shows the actual version number.
  • Some oddity with server locales / timezones when formatting the archive dates correctly has been fixed.
  • A problem with detecting if Blogger is reachable has been fixed.
  • Some problems with showing Blogger or Disqus comments have been fixed.
  • The localized string for 'Comments' was not used with Disqus comments. Fixed.
  • Some problems with displaying UTF8 characters in localization strings have been fixed.
  • Changed all HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs where appropriate

Read the user manual for more info on how to use the code snippets.

The Blogspot Stack 1.1.5 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.1.5 is out with the following changes:

Released on 05 mar 2018.

  • Better error handling.
  • Reports error message from Blogger, when there is one.
  • Added localization field for 'No posts found' string.
  • When no posts are found, a 'No posts found'-string will be shown. If you do not want this message displayed, simply empty the corresponding localization field.
  • The categories-list is now sorted case-insensitive. Categories in Blogger are case-sensitive!
  • Added a category-filter to only show posts and an archive-list of specific categories. If you specify more than 1 categpry (comma-separated), only posts which have all specified categories will be listed.
  • Moved the common shared PHP code files to the side-wide assets folder.
    This means that you can clean-up the 'files' folders inside your blog-folders.
    To do this, first republish all your blog-pages with RW, then start your FTP client. Open your site folder, open the folder of the blog-page, open the 'files' or 'index_files' folder and delete all of the following files, when you see them there:
    • archiveMonths.xml
    • blogContents.php
    • blogEntry.php
    • blogspot.css
    • blogspot.js
    • feedtimeline.js
    • LHPEAR.php
    • localVars.php
    • rapidblog.js
    • rapidBlogHelpers.php
    • remoteGrab.php
    • Requestrb.php
    • Socketrb.php
    • URLrb.php
    • xmlrb.php
  • RSS feed link is a link again.
  • Various internal bugs fixed.
  • Updated the documentation on this page.

If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .

The Blogspot Stack 1.1.4 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


Version 1.1.4 is out with the following changes:
Version 1.1.4
Released on 27 feb 2018.
  • Known issues with deprecated, removed and changed PHP calls from PHP v5.4 through v7.1 : fixed
  • Some other bugs fixed.
  • Added a checkbox 'Display errors on', which shows possible PHP warnings. Use it on your local machine and on your live site and then please report any warnings and errors you see (Deprecated: , Warning:, Notice:, Fatal error:), to me, with screen-shots. Then switch it of again.
  • Added YEAR-only option to archives. When selected, archive-links are shown as 1 link per year, and when 'Show archive count' is checked, with the number of posts per year.
  • Removed 'Show author' checkbox - you can swicth it on or off in the 'Alternate ordering'-settings.
  • Added the option to leave out blogpost-sections inside 'Alternate ordering'. If you don't want a certain section in your blogposts, check 'Alternate ordering' and choose the 'blank' option for that section.
  • Added the RSS feed link as a stack. Instead of being always on top of the blog, you can now place it anywhere you prefer, or use this code snippet: <?php renderRSSlink(); ?>
  • Included FontAwesome via Stacks API.
  • Cosmetic changes.
  • If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
    If not, you can read more about it here .

    The Blogspot Stack 1.1.3 for Stacks with RapidWeaver


    Version 1.1.3 is out with the following changes:
    Version 1.1.2
    Released on 23 feb 2018.
    Bug fixed when viewing a permalink.
    Permalinks now have the Google SEO name added to their URLs.
    Version 1.1.3
    Released on 23 feb 2018.
    You may now also enter the complete domain, like, if you feel more comfortable about it.
    Domain check: if the domain you entered, doesn't exist, an error is displayed at the top of the page. In Preview and real-time mode.
    Some PHP4 code removed.
    Fixed E_STRICT and E_DEPRECATED errors. Not by simply switching error-reporting off, but really fixing the code!
    If you purchased this stack, you can re-download the installer via your Paddle account.
    If not, you can read more about it here .

    Alle getoonde foto's zijn (c) MHE Vos, Nederland.

    All shown photo's are (c) MHE Vos, Netherlands.

    © 1997- Marc Vos (and others)   -   Privacy Statement   -    Contact Me

    On this website, Google Analytics is used to track visitor statistics. These are anonymised data about the number of visitors, which pages they visit on this site, from which regions they visit, which web browsers they use, etc.. You will also see non-personalised ads via Google AdSense. Cookies from Paddle or Paypal are placed when you click on a 'Buy now!' or 'Donate!' button, and possible cookies from Disqus when you use that system to comment on one or more blogposts.
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