DIBIOL/DBL - Run-Time Errors
Run-time errors are normally fatal and automatically result in program termination.
Some, however, can be trapped using the DIBOL ONERROR statement, thus avoiding program
termination. Those run-time errors that can be trapped with the ONERROR statement are
called trappable; the non-trappable errors inevitably result in program termination.
Information messages only appear in conjunction with a trappable or non-trappable error.
The error number help descriptions contain the error number, the ident (abbreviation of
the message text), the severity, and a description of the common reason(s) for the error
to occur.
001 - ENDOF_FIL Trappable End of file
The end of file has been detected on a READS or READ, or a CTRL/Z has been entered
from a terminal during an ACCEPT or READS.
002 - RETNO_CAL Non-trappable RETURN but no CALL or XCALL
A RETURN statement was executed with no execution of an associated CALL or XCALL
statement preceding it.
003 - CMPERR Non-trappable Compilation error
Execution of a statement which contained a compilation error was attempted.
006 - INCNUMARG Non-trappable Incorrect number of arguments
The number of arguments passed to an external subroutine was incorrect.
007 - SUBERR Trappable Subscript error
A subscript has a value which is negative, zero, or refers to a data element which is
beyond the data definition of the program, or if the variable is doubly-subscripted,
the value of the first subscript exceeds the value of the second subscript.
008 - WRIINTLIT Non-trappable Writing into a literal
An external subroutine attempted to write data into a literal which was passed as an
argument to the subroutine.
009 - NOTENOMEM Trappable Not enough memory
Insufficient memory is available to:
o SEND a message
o OPEN a file
o LPQUE a file
010 - ILLCHANUM Non-trappable Illegal channel number
The channel number specified in an OPEN or other I/O statement is outside the
allowable range (1:15 if /STANDARD, 1:255 if /NOSTANDARD)
011 - CHANOTOPN Non-trappable Channel not open
An I/O statement specified a channel which had not been OPEN'ed.
012 - INPFROWRI Trappable Input from write-only device
An OPEN statement attempted to open an output-only device, such as a line printer,
using Input (I) mode.
013 - CHADEFERR Non-trappable Channel definition error
An internal error occurred in the DIBOL Run-Time Library. Please submit an SPR.
014 - UNDOPC Non-trappable Undefined opcode
An internal error was detected by the DIBOL Run-Time Library. Please verify that
compatible versions of the DIBOL compiler and RTL are being used. If the compiler
and RTL are compatible, please submit an SPR.
015 - NUMTOOLON Trappable Number too long
An arithmetic operation has resulted in a number which exceeds 18 digits, or an
operand in an arithmetic operation is in excess of 18 digits.
016 - CHAIN_USE Non-trappable DIBOL channel in use
An OPEN statement attempted to use a channel which was already open.
017 - BADFILSPC Trappable Bad file specification
A file specification contained a syntax error.
018 - FILNOTFND Trappable File not found
The file specified does not exist.
019 - HANNOTAVA Trappable Device handler not available
The device specified is not known to the operating system.
020 - BADDIGIT Trappable Bad digit
The alphanumeric value converted to a numeric value contained a character other than
a numeric digit, a sign character (+ or -), or a space.
021 - BADOPEN Trappable Invalid operation for this file type
The file I/O statement is not allowed by the mode in which the file was opened.
022 - IO_ERROR Trappable I-O error
Invalid data was detected during an input or output operation.
023 - LINTOOLNG Trappable Line too long
The size of the input data exceeds the size of the record or alpha field.
024 - NO_SPAFIL Trappable No space for file
An OPEN statement includes a specification of more blocks than are available.
025 - OUTFILFUL Trappable Output file full
All space allocated for a file has been filled, and the file cannot be extended.
026 - FLDRECLNG Non-trappable Field or record too long
The size of a field or record exceeds the maximum allowed size.
028 - ILLRECNUM Trappable Illegal record number
A READ or WRITE statement specifies a record number that is negative, zero, or greater
than the number of records in the file.
029 - INCCOMPIL Non-trappable Incompatible compiler
The program was compiled using a version of the compiler which is not compatible with
the current run-time library.
030 - DIVBYZERO Trappable Divide by zero
An arithmetic operation attempted to divide by zero.
031 - ARGWROSIZ Non-trappable Argument wrong size
An external subroutine was called using an argument which was of incorrect size.
032 - SUPEXIFIL Trappable Cannot supersede existing file
An OPEN statement or RENAM subroutine call attempted to supersede an existing file,
and FLAGS had been set to prevent this.
033 - TOOMNYCHN Trappable Too many channels open
The program attempted to open more channels than were available.
037 - DEVIN_USE Trappable Device in use
An OPEN statement attempted to open a non-sharable device that was in use.
038 - FILEINUSE Trappable File in use
An OPEN statement attempted to open a non-sharable file that was in use.
039 - OUTTOREAD Trappable Output to read-only device
An I/O statement attempted to perform output to a device which is write-locked.
040 - RECLOCKED Trappable Record locked
An I/O statement specified a record which is currently in use by another program.
052 - ILEGALKEY Trappable Illegal key
The key specified by an indexed I/O operation was either outside of the specified
record area or did not match a key defined for the file.
053 - KEYNOTSAM Trappable Key not same
The key of the record retrieved by an indexed READ does not exactly match the key
requested; or the key specified by an indexed WRITE or DELETE did not match the key
of the record which was last retrieved.
054 - NODUPKEYS Trappable No duplicates
An indexed STORE statement specified a key for which a record already exists, and
duplicate keys were not allowed.
056 - NOTISMFIL Trappable Not ISAM file
An OPEN statement attempted to open a non-indexed file using SI or SU mode.
058 - JOBSTAERR Trappable Job startup error
The specified job could not be started as requested in a call to the RUNJB subroutine.
061 - NO_CURREC Trappable No current record
An indexed WRITE or DELETE was attempted before a record had been read.
062 - PROTVIOL Trappable Protection violation
A file operation was attempted on a file whose protection would not allow the
operation; or an operation was attempted for which the user did not have sufficient
063 - NO_SUCOPR Non-trappable No such operation (RMS)
Support for the VAX RMS service or option is not present in the system.
064 - RECNOTFND Trappable Record not found (RMS)
A relative READ statement specified a non-existent record.
067 - SYSERROR Non-trappable System error
An error occurred during an operating system service or other external system call.
077 - ARGOUTORD Trappable Arguments out of order
The arguments specified in a call to PAK/UNPAK are not in the correct order.
078 - ARGOUTLIM Trappable Argument out of record
An argument specified in a call to PAK/UNPAK is outside of the specified record area.
079 - ARGCOUNT Trappable Needs minimum of three arguments
A call to PAK requires a minimum of three arguments.
080 - FLDNOTPAK Trappable Field not packed
A field specified in a call to UNPAK was not packed.
084 - ILLBIOSIZ Trappable Illegal block I/O record size
The record size specified in a block I/O statement was not a multiple of 512 bytes.
087 - ARGMISS Trappable Argument missing
A required argument was omitted from in an XCALL, or a subroutine attempted to use
an argument which was not passed.
089 - INVSHRCOD Trappable Invalid SHARE value in OPEN
Invalid code on SHARE keyword in OPEN.
100 - RMSERROR Non-trappable Unexpected RMS error
An RMS error occurred which was not anticipated.
101 - INVARGTYP Non-trappable Invalid argument type
An argument passed to a library routine was of the wrong type (alpha instead of
decimal, or decimal instead of alpha).
102 - DBLRTLERR Non-trappable DIBOL Run Time Library internal error
An error occurred in the DIBOL Run-Time Library software. Please submit an SPR.
103 - FILE_ORG Trappable Invalid file organization
The mode specified in an OPEN statement did not match the organization of the file
being opened (for instance, an ISAM file being opened in U mode).
104 - OUTOFRANG Non-trappable Value out of range
A statement parameter or library subroutine argument was outside of the permitted
range of values.
105 - CALNOTDBL Non-trappable Caller not DIBOL
A library subroutine was called by a non-DIBOL program, for which the call is invalid.
107 - DEVNOTRDY Trappable Device not ready
The device accessed by a I/O statement was off-line or otherwise not ready.
108 - INVOPNMOD Non-trappable Invalid open mode value
An OPEN statement specified an invalid open mode.
109 - CONTROL_C Trappable CTRL/C detected
The user entered a CTRL/C.
110 - CONTROL_Y Trappable CTRL/Y detected
The user entered a CTRL/Y.
111 - TIMOUT Trappable Operation timed out
A timed I/O operation, such as READS or ACCEPT, failed to complete within the given
112 - OPENERROR Trappable Error during file open
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to open a file.
113 - INVALLOC Trappable Invalid ALLOC value in OPEN
The ALLOC value specified in an OPEN statement was outside the permitted range of
114 - INVBKTSIZ Trappable Invalid BKTSIZ value in OPEN
The BKTSIZ value specified in an OPEN statement was outside the permitted range of
115 - INVBLKSIZ Trappable Invalid BLKSIZ value in OPEN
The BLKSIZ value specified in an OPEN statement was outside the permitted range of
116 - INVBUFSIZ Trappable Invalid BUFSIZ value in OPEN
The BUFSIZ value specified in an OPEN statement was outside the permitted range of
117 - INVRECSIZ Trappable Invalid RECSIZ value in OPEN
The RECSIZ value specified in an OPEN statement was outside the permitted range of
118 - NOMSGMGR Trappable Unable to open message manager mailbox
The mailbox used by the DIBOL SEND/RECV message manager could not be opened.
120 - QUENOTAVA Trappable Queue not available or invalid queue name
The queue specified in an LPQUE statement was either not available or invalid.
121 - INVKEYNUM Trappable Invalid KEYNUM value.
Invalid key of reference specified with KEYNUM keyword on READ or FIND.
122 - FORGNTERM Trappable Foreign terminals not supported
Attempt to use VIDEO, ERASE, or POS attributes on a non-ANSI terminal for which a
terminal capabilities file has not been created.
123 - OUTATTERR Trappable Invalid output attribute
Invalid code used on an output attribute in WRITES, DISPLAY, READS statement.
124 - INATTERR Trappable Invalid input attribute
Invalid code used on an input attribute in READS statement.
125 - INVCHRERR Trappable Invalid character entered
A character was entered while using EDIT capability of READS which did not conform
to the EDIT mask.
126 - FULBUFERR Trappable Input buffer full
READS buffer was filled.
127 - UNSUPDTYP Trappable Invalid data type encountered
Attempt to use a data type which is not supported by the DIBOL run-time system in
that context.
128 - INVMATCH Trappable Invalid MATCH value
Invalid code on MATCH keyword in FIND or READ.
129 - INVCONTIG Trappable Invalid CONTIG value in OPEN
Invalid code on CONTIG keyword in OPEN.
130 - INVDEQ Trappable Invalid DEQ value in OPEN
Invalid code on DEQ keyword in OPEN.
131 - INVNUMREC Trappable Invalid NUMREC value in OPEN
Invalid number of records specified on NUMREC keyword in OPEN.
132 - INVRECTYP Trappable Invalid RECTYP value in OPEN
Invalid code on RECTYP keyword in OPEN.
133 - INVALFDL Trappable Invalid FDL value in OPEN
Invalid statement in string on FDL keyword in OPEN.
134 - INVBUFNUM Trappable Invalid BUFNUM value in OPEN
Invalid number specified on BUFNUM keyword in OPEN.
135 - INVPRO Trappable Invalid PROTECT string in OPEN
Invalid UIC-type protection string on PROTECT keyword in OPEN.
136 - INVACL Trappable Invalid PROTECT/ACL string in OPEN
Invalid Access Control List entry in string on PROTECT keyword in OPEN.
137 - TOOMNYSEG Trappable Too many key segments in OPEN
OPEN\KEY keyword declared more than 8 segments on a segmented key.
138 - INVDATYP Trappable Invalid TYPE string in OPEN
Invalid key type specified in string on TYPE keyword in OPEN.
139 - NO_RECSIZ Trappable RECSIZ keyword required
Record size is required by OPEN modes O:R, O:I and OPEN keyword NUMREC.
140 - INVALRFA Trappable Invalid RFA value
An invalid RFA value was specified on READ, FIND, or WRITE.
200 - STOP Success STOP
The STOP or END statement has been successfully executed.
201 - AT_LINE Informational At line DDD in routine AAA
Indicates traceback information after a STOP or error.
202 - PC_PSL Informational PC = HHH, PSL = HHH
Indicates Program Counter and Processor Status Longword values.
203 - IOERRINFO Informational Channel # DDD, mode AAA, file name = AAA
Indicates channel, open mode, and file name after an I/O error.
204 - NUMOFARGS Informational DDD arguments specified
Indicates number of arguments actually passed after an INCNUMARG (Incorrect number
of arguments - error #6) error.
205 - SUBSCRPT1 Informational Subscript = DDD
Indicates value of subscript after a SUBERR (Subscript error - error #7) error
(single subscripting).
206 - SUBSCRPT2 Informational Subscript 1 = DDD, subscript 2 = DDD
Indicates value of subscripts after a SUBERR (Subscript error - error #7) error
(double subscripting).
207 - ARG_NMBR Informational Argument # DDD
Indicates argument number causing error after an argument-related error.
208 - LOGCHAN Informational Channel # DDD
Indicates channel number after an I/O error.
209 - ARG_SIZE Informational Argument size DDD
Indicates size of argument causing error after an ARGWROSIZ (Argument wrong size -
error #31) error.
210 - VALUE Informational Value = DDD
Indicates value of argument or parameter after an OUTOFRANG (Value out of range -
error #104) or other error.
211 - ALLSNDBUF Informational DDD bytes required for SEND buffer
Indicates reason and number of bytes required after a NOTENOMEM (Not enough memory -
error #9) error.
212 - UNDEFLBL Informational Attempt to GOTO or CALL undefined label
Indicates reason after a CMPERR (Compilation error - error #3) error.
213 - OUTOFBND Informational Subscripting beyond data division
Indicates reason after a SUBERR (Subscript error - error # 7) error.
214 - WARNING Informational Warning
Indicates that a warning was returned from a VAX RMS service or VAX/VMS system
service, but was ignored by the DIBOL RTL.
215 - STV Informational RMS STV field contains error code
Indicates that further error information can be found in the RMS STV field.
216 - OPCODE Informational Opcode value %XHHH at address %XHHH
Indicates opcode value and address after an UNDOPC (Undefined opcode - error #14)
217 - FILENAME Informational FILENAME = AAA
Indicates the filename after an error involving a file.