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 Day or Date of the Monday of a week

  Includes a working Javascript example at the bottom of this page

I needed a Javascript function to get the beginning and ending dates of a week of a given year. Since I could not find one on the net, I googled for shorthands and looked up some of my old 3GL code I wrote back in 1992 (still functioning on iSeries, though) and put the two together into a Javascript function to get the date of the monday of a week, in some format. I copied the code from RPG III to Javascript so I have that functionality elsewhere, too.

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Input year (YYYY): and week
Monday of the week is:
Day number: mv_dateToString(mv_mondayOfWeek(selYY, selWW, 1), '%d-%Y')
Date: mv_dateToString(mv_mondayOfWeek(selYY, selWW, 0), '%d-%m-%Y')
Last day of week: var weekmsec = 1000*60*60*24*6;
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(mv_mondayOfWeek(selYY, selWW, 2) + weekmsec); // add 6 days
mv_dateToString(d, '%d-%m-%Y');

Here’s the code (also all together in mv_clcdat.js):

function mv_leapck(yy, dorf) {
   //   dorf = 1=Days or 0=Flag

   if(new Date(yy,1,29).getDate() == 29)
      return(1 + (dorf==1 ? 365 : 0));
      return(0 + (dorf==1 ? 365 : 0));

function mv_isDateObject(d) {
   if (typeof d == 'object') {
      if(d.getTime === undefined)
   } else

function mv_dateToString(datum, format) {
         YYYYWW or YYYYMM
         or a date object
         Anything. Depends on format.
         %d = day (DD or DDD)
         %m = month
         %w = week
         %y = yy
         %Y = yyyy
   var txt = '';
   var fmt = new String(format);

      txt = new String(datum.getFullYear() * 10000 + (datum.getMonth() + 1) * 100 + datum.getDate());
      txt = new String(datum);

   if(txt.length >= 6) {
      fmt = fmt.replace('%y', txt.substr(2,2));
      fmt = fmt.replace('%Y', txt.substr(0,4));

      if(txt.length == 8) {
         fmt = fmt.replace('%m', txt.substr(4,2));
         fmt = fmt.replace('%d', txt.substr(6,2));
      else if(txt.length == 7)
         fmt = fmt.replace('%d', txt.substr(4,3));
      else if(txt.length == 6)
         fmt = fmt.replace('%w', txt.substr(4,2));


function mv_stringToDate(datum) {
   orgdate = datum;
   newdate = datum;

   if(orgdate.length == 7) {
      orgdate = '0' + orgdate;
   else if(orgdate.length == 9) {
      orgdate = '0' + orgdate;
   newdate = orgdate.split("-").reverse().join("");
   if(newdate == orgdate) {
      newdate = orgdate.split(".").reverse().join("");
      if(newdate == orgdate) {
         newdate = orgdate.split("/").reverse().join("");
         if(newdate == orgdate) {
            newdate = orgdate.substr(4,4) + orgdate.substr(2,2) + orgdate.substr(0,2)


function mv_mondayOfWeek(yy, ww, mdd) {
      MONDAY returns the day number or the date
      of the monday in the week ww of year yy.

      - 4-digit year
      - weeknumber
      - mdd = 2=Milliseconds, 1=Day or 0=Date
      - Day = YYYYDDD (DDD = Day number in year YYYY)
      - Date = YYYYMMDD
   var daymsec = 1000*60*60*24;
   var wrk1 = wrk2 = 0;

   // Calculate offset
   wrk1 = yy - 1900 + parseInt((yy - 1900 - 1) / 4);
   wrk1 -= parseInt(wrk1 / 7) * 7;
   if(wrk1 > 3) wrk1 -= 7;
   wrk2 = (ww * 7) - wrk1 - 6;

   if (wrk1 < 0 && ww == 53) {
      wrk2 -= 371;
      wrk2 += mv_leapck(yy, 1);
   else if (wrk2 <= 0) {
      wrk2 += mv_leapck(yy, 1);

   // Format return value
   if(isNaN(parseInt(mdd)) || parseInt(mdd) == 0) {
      wrk1 = (new Date(yy-1, 11, 31)).getTime();
      wrk1 += wrk2 * daymsec; // in milliseconds
      wrk2 = new Date();
      wrk2.setTime(wrk1);   // Date of monday in week ww
      wrk1 = wrk2.getFullYear() * 10000 + (wrk2.getMonth() + 1) * 100 + wrk2.getDate();
   } else if(parseInt(mdd) == 2) {
      wrk1 = (new Date(yy-1, 11, 31)).getTime();
      wrk1 += wrk2 * daymsec; // in milliseconds
   } else {
      wrk1 = (yy * 1000) + wrk2;
   return(wrk1);   // Date or Day of monday

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