ICSviewer 4.7
Tue, Sep 24 2024, 11:29 Calendar, Database, iCal, Mac OS X, MySQL, software, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- Serial number check API call fixed.
- Number of activations is now shwon in the 'About...' window.
Easiest star-rating code for PHP
Thu, Jan 04 2024, 17:16 jQuery, MySQL, PHP, programming PermalinkI have added a how-to to make a simple and easy star-rating for whatever you would like to add a rating-possibility to...
You need a MySQL database, or some other data source, jQuery and PHP for this example.
You need a MySQL database, or some other data source, jQuery and PHP for this example.
ICSviewer 4.5 #icsviewer #ical #calendar #viewer #xojo #event #planning #planned #timeline
Mon, Aug 02 2021, 14:27 Calendar, Database, iCal, Mac OS X, MySQL, software, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- Some dates from 'DTSTART;VALUE=…' were not processed correctly.
Bug fixes:
- The app would crash when exporting a CSV into a non-writeable folder. When this happens, you'll now get an error message.
ICSviewer 4.3
Wed, Jul 14 2021, 20:39 Calendar, Database, iCal, Mac OS X, MySQL, software, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- Some .ics fies seem to lack the time behind the date. That woud crash the app. When no time is present, 12:00:00 is taken as default.
ICSviewer 4.2
Mon, Dec 28 2020, 14:08 Calendar, Database, iCal, Mac OS X, MySQL, software, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- In rare occasions empty lines are created inside a calendar file. These are now skipped.

My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- In rare occasions empty lines are created inside a calendar file. These are now skipped.
ICSviewer 4.1
Fri, Jul 03 2020, 14:03 Calendar, Database, iCal, Mac OS X, MySQL, software, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- When the connection to MySQL fails, the error message dialog would leave the sheet window hang without any controls.

My ical/ics calendar file viewer and exporter ICS Viewer was updated
Bug fixes:
- When the connection to MySQL fails, the error message dialog would leave the sheet window hang without any controls.
ICSviewer 3.9
Thu, May 16 2019, 15:00 Calendar, Database, Event, iCal, Linux, Mac OS X, MySQL, programming, REALstudio, software, Windows, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.9
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a possible hang when choosing a date-range.

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.9
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a possible hang when choosing a date-range.
ICSviewer 3.8
Fri, Feb 01 2019, 12:14 Calendar, Database, Event, iCal, Linux, Mac OS X, MySQL, programming, REALstudio, software, Windows, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.8
Bug fixes:
- 'Last month' preference showed 12 months earlier, when in January of a new year.

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.8
Bug fixes:
- 'Last month' preference showed 12 months earlier, when in January of a new year.
ICSviewer 3.7
Mon, Sep 03 2018, 23:18 Calendar, Database, Event, iCal, Linux, Mac OS X, MySQL, programming, REALstudio, software, Windows, Xojo Permalink
My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.7
Bug fixes:
- A hang with the new initial date-range preference setting 'Current month' has been fixed.
- The possibility to use the new initial date-range preference setting has been fixed.
- Various UI improvements in the preferences window.

My ical/ics calendar file viewer ICS Viewer is updated to version 3.7
Bug fixes:
- A hang with the new initial date-range preference setting 'Current month' has been fixed.
- The possibility to use the new initial date-range preference setting has been fixed.
- Various UI improvements in the preferences window.
[Repair] MySQL Upgrade on Mac OS X
Tue, Jun 27 2017, 10:40 Apple, Database, Mac OS X, MySQL, server, Webserver PermalinkSome time ago I did a MySQL upgrade without thinking ... that was not funny. So I retraced what I did to get the new version up and running and wrote it down as a sequence of steps to follow, when I need to upgrade to the next higher version.
I published these steps on the page [Repair] MySQL Upgrade (Mac OS X) , so they might be of help to you too.
I published these steps on the page [Repair] MySQL Upgrade (Mac OS X) , so they might be of help to you too.