Ruimteschepen 2000-2100 #sciencefiction #sf #fantasy #spaceship #kunst #schilderij
Thu, Jul 18 2024, 09:12 Art, books, Scheepvaart, Space Permalink
Voor de SF-fans, het boek 'Ruimteschepen 2000-2100, Handboek van de Terran Trade Authority' gedigitaliseerd.
Hier kan je het boek (.cbz) downloaden
POTD : Het Enzerinck with planet and stars #photo #image #art #aliensky #foto #planet #stars #trees
Thu, Feb 10 2022, 11:46 Art, iPhone, Nature, Photo, Photography, Space PermalinkPicture of the Day
Het Enzerinck with planet and stars

The Energy Eyeball in Space #art #photo #foto #livingplanet #instant #manipulation #fake #sciencefiction
Thu, Nov 15 2018, 23:01 Art, iPhone, Photo, Photography, Space PermalinkBloedmaan / Blood moon #bloedmaan #bloodmoon #maan #moon #fenomeen #phenomena #astronomie #astronomy #zutphen
Sat, Jul 28 2018, 10:57 Event, History, Lumix GF6, Nature, Photo, Space, Zutphen PermalinkOp 28 juli 2018, vanaf 21:17 uur was in Zutphen een Bloedmaan zichtbaar. Ziehier een reeks foto's, gemaakt met mijn Panasonic Lumix GF6 t/m 23:57 uur:
On the 28th of July 2018 was a Blood Moon visible in Zutphen, Netherlands. Below a series of photos from 21:17h until 23:57h, taken with my Panasonic Lumix GF6:
On the 28th of July 2018 was a Blood Moon visible in Zutphen, Netherlands. Below a series of photos from 21:17h until 23:57h, taken with my Panasonic Lumix GF6:

Chris Foss
Tue, Jan 26 2016, 20:15 Art, books, Space PermalinkMy most favorite SciFi artist and my favorite book, 21st Century Foss from 1978, with most of his paintings. I know that nowadays we can create real-looking stuff with al those cool digital imaging software, but somehow I find the art from the old days, like painting and model building far more creative. Since we still do not live in space, space can be as incorrect as we like it to be.

This image is from the book cover which I scanned and retouched a bit with Photoshop to get rid of crackles and stains and such.
Click here or on the image for a huge image of 4655 × 3183 pixels. Enjoy!

This image is from the book cover which I scanned and retouched a bit with Photoshop to get rid of crackles and stains and such.
Click here or on the image for a huge image of 4655 × 3183 pixels. Enjoy!