Rebhan's Kaaslei
Mon, Apr 16 2018, 14:03 Art, Food, Hotel, Photo, Restaurant PermalinkVorig jaar verbleef ik een week in Rebhan's Hotel in Neukenroth en daar bestelde ik als nagerecht een kaasplank. Het werd geen plank, het werd een leiplaat. Vrolijk gearrangeerde, lekkere stukjes kaas, tomaat, pistachenootjes en croutons. Een leuk idee om thuis ook zo de kaas op te dienen:

Salat auf der Terrasse von Rebhan's Hotel
Sun, Apr 09 2017, 20:17 Food, Hotel, Restaurant, Travel, Vacation PermalinkWieder mal ein Hotel gefunden wo man sehr gut essen gehen kann: Rebhan's Business & Wellness Hotel in Neukenroth. Mein Favorit ist dieser Salat mit Hähnchenbruststreifen:

Und einen herrlichen Müller-Thurgau dazu, so in der Abendsonne … in das typische Puzzel- und Märklin-Katalog Dekor :-)

Und einen herrlichen Müller-Thurgau dazu, so in der Abendsonne … in das typische Puzzel- und Märklin-Katalog Dekor :-)

Kalorien sind kleine Tierchen - Calorieën zijn kleine diertjes
Mon, Jul 13 2015, 07:02 Art, Drinks, Food, Hotel, Humor, Restaurant, Travel, Vacation PermalinkGesehen bei Landgasthof Vogelsang.

NL: Calorieën zijn kleine diertjes die ’s-nachts de kleding krapper maken.
EN: Calories are tiny animals that at night make the clothes tighter.
FR: Calories sont des animaux minuscules qui, pendant la nuit rendent les vêtements plus serré.

NL: Calorieën zijn kleine diertjes die ’s-nachts de kleding krapper maken.
EN: Calories are tiny animals that at night make the clothes tighter.
FR: Calories sont des animaux minuscules qui, pendant la nuit rendent les vêtements plus serré.
Landgasthof Vogelsang / Gästehaus Oppenheimer, Weichering
Wed, Apr 01 2015, 19:41 Hotel, Restaurant, Travel, Vacation PermalinkUrlaub in Bayern oder Geschäftsreise nach Ingolstadt? Überlege Landgasthof Vogelsang oder Gästezimmer Oppenheimer in Weichering, ein Dorf nicht weit von Ingolstadt, der Hauptsitz von Audi. Weichering hat ein Bahnhof mit eine supergute Verbindung nach Ingolstadt. Man kann in Weichering und Umgebung sehr schöne Spaziergänge machen im Frühling oder Sommer wenn es schön trocken ist, weil im Herbst oder Winter finde ich es nichts - nass und dreckig.
NL: In Duitsland gaat men over het algemeen al vroeg aan het werk - rond 5:30u hoort men al de gasten, klokken, landbouwtrekkers, vrachtwagens en treinen voorbijkomen. Dat zijn wij Nederlanders zo niet gewend. Dat is niet alleen hier in Bayern zo, ook in de Pfalz en Brandenburg. Het beste is ook gewoon vroeg naar bed te gaan. Bij LGH Vogelsang vind ik de beste kamers de nummers 26 en 28 in het Winterhuis; nr 28 heeft ook nog een terras! Bij GH Oppenheimer is de tweepersoonskamer de beste kamer.
DE: In Deutschland geht man früh an die Arbeit - rund 5:30 hört man schon die Gäste, Glocken, Trecker, LKWs und Züge vorbei kommen - dass sind wir aus die Niederlande so nicht gewohnt. Dass ist nicht nur hier in Bayern, auch in der Pfalz, Brandenburg, u.a. muss man halt früh ins Bett. Bei Vogelsang ist darum die beste Zimmer zu finden im Winterhaus: nr. 26 oder 28 - ein Doppelzimmer (mit Terrasse) und ruhig. Bei Oppenheimer ist das Doppelzimmer das beste Zimmer.
LGH Vogelsang hat ein Restaurant wo man sehr gut essen kann - die Produkte kommen hauptsächlich von lokale Lieferanten. Frühstück ist bei beide echt gut.
LGH Vogelsang hat auch ein Saal für Tagungen, Feste und andere Veranstaltungen. Die Einhaber von beide Gasthöfe sind alle sehr freundlich und hilfreich. Dank Hilfe von Frau Oppenheimer hat unser Sohn jetzt ein Zimmer in Ingolstadt gefunden.

NL: In Duitsland gaat men over het algemeen al vroeg aan het werk - rond 5:30u hoort men al de gasten, klokken, landbouwtrekkers, vrachtwagens en treinen voorbijkomen. Dat zijn wij Nederlanders zo niet gewend. Dat is niet alleen hier in Bayern zo, ook in de Pfalz en Brandenburg. Het beste is ook gewoon vroeg naar bed te gaan. Bij LGH Vogelsang vind ik de beste kamers de nummers 26 en 28 in het Winterhuis; nr 28 heeft ook nog een terras! Bij GH Oppenheimer is de tweepersoonskamer de beste kamer.
DE: In Deutschland geht man früh an die Arbeit - rund 5:30 hört man schon die Gäste, Glocken, Trecker, LKWs und Züge vorbei kommen - dass sind wir aus die Niederlande so nicht gewohnt. Dass ist nicht nur hier in Bayern, auch in der Pfalz, Brandenburg, u.a. muss man halt früh ins Bett. Bei Vogelsang ist darum die beste Zimmer zu finden im Winterhaus: nr. 26 oder 28 - ein Doppelzimmer (mit Terrasse) und ruhig. Bei Oppenheimer ist das Doppelzimmer das beste Zimmer.
LGH Vogelsang hat ein Restaurant wo man sehr gut essen kann - die Produkte kommen hauptsächlich von lokale Lieferanten. Frühstück ist bei beide echt gut.
LGH Vogelsang hat auch ein Saal für Tagungen, Feste und andere Veranstaltungen. Die Einhaber von beide Gasthöfe sind alle sehr freundlich und hilfreich. Dank Hilfe von Frau Oppenheimer hat unser Sohn jetzt ein Zimmer in Ingolstadt gefunden.

Multihouse Reünie in Grand Hotel ter Duin, Burgh-Haamstede
Fri, Oct 12 2012, 16:42 Event, Hotel, networking, Photo, Restaurant, Travel PermalinkIn het weekeinde van 22 en 23 september 2012 was er een grootschalige reünie georganiseerd voor en door oud-Multihousers. Grote sponsors van dit idee zijn Inventive en Grand Hotel ter Duin geweest. Het hotel, de bar en het restaurant vond ik echt super! We hebben er heerlijk gegeten, gedronken en geslapen.
Alles over de reünie is te lezen op de website van Inventive. Hieronder vindt je een overzicht van de meegebrachte memorabilia en een hele kleine impressie van het hotel en de reünie - ik heb veel gekletst en weinig foto's gemaakt.
Als je op de memorabilia klikt, wordt er een 12MB grote foto geladen waarop alles wat beter te zien is. Als de foto dan geladen is, kan je met de meeste browsers er nog eens op klikken en dan wordt de foto vergroot tot de werkelijke grootte. Dan kan je alles nóg beter zien.

Alles over de reünie is te lezen op de website van Inventive. Hieronder vindt je een overzicht van de meegebrachte memorabilia en een hele kleine impressie van het hotel en de reünie - ik heb veel gekletst en weinig foto's gemaakt.
Als je op de memorabilia klikt, wordt er een 12MB grote foto geladen waarop alles wat beter te zien is. Als de foto dan geladen is, kan je met de meeste browsers er nog eens op klikken en dan wordt de foto vergroot tot de werkelijke grootte. Dan kan je alles nóg beter zien.

Tue, Nov 16 2010, 07:52 Hotel, Travel, Vacation PermalinkEnd october 2010 my wife and I went to Berlin where I attended the Lasso Developer Conference 2010 (see previous post). We planned a long weekend so we could see something of the famous city. I have never been there before! We had such a nice weather, it really was amazing.
Via a tip of a good friend of ours, we booked an apartment, instead of a hotel, via Airbnb. I found a very nice apartment, right in Berlin Mitte. The photo's on the Airbnb site show exactly how the apartment is. But it also has a balcony where we had our breakfast every morning! On top of all this, the apartment also offers a DSL internet connection for free - wifi or cable. By renting an apartment, we could spend our money during the day and cook for ourselves at the apartment.
I made a panorama of the living room:

and here's a shot of the nice balcony:

It was soo quiet in Berlin Mitte, you hardly imagine yourself in the middle of a mega city. I can really recommend this and I would certainly rent it again when we go back - I haven't seen all of Berlin yet. We only did the major touristic stuff by foot and bike. Funny, look at the shape of the route we took:

Via a tip of a good friend of ours, we booked an apartment, instead of a hotel, via Airbnb. I found a very nice apartment, right in Berlin Mitte. The photo's on the Airbnb site show exactly how the apartment is. But it also has a balcony where we had our breakfast every morning! On top of all this, the apartment also offers a DSL internet connection for free - wifi or cable. By renting an apartment, we could spend our money during the day and cook for ourselves at the apartment.
I made a panorama of the living room:

and here's a shot of the nice balcony:

It was soo quiet in Berlin Mitte, you hardly imagine yourself in the middle of a mega city. I can really recommend this and I would certainly rent it again when we go back - I haven't seen all of Berlin yet. We only did the major touristic stuff by foot and bike. Funny, look at the shape of the route we took:

Duinhotel Burgh Haamstede
Thu, Jul 01 2010, 19:14 Hotel, Travel, Vacation PermalinkThis weekend we went to visit friends in Zeeland. We stayed at Fletcher Duinhotel Burgh Haamstede in Burgh-Haamstede. Rooms are good; pity that there's no refrigerator or fan (a fan lacking in all hotels I've ever been!);

Breakfast and dinner are in a non-smoking area - the whole hotel is a non-smoking area, but you can also eat outside, where smoking is allowed.
When you are on vacation in Zeeland you use your bike and not your car. Thus, since we had the chance, instead of bringing our own bikes, we rented an e-bike, brand Rivel (which is Union, which is DBG), as part of the stay. This was a truly amazing experience. We have never used an e-bike before, but thought about it, so this was our chance! And this Rivel bike was really amazing. I always cycled at the maximum e-speed of 25 km/h without any much energy. These e-bikes are a disaster if you are trying to lose weight, but a real treat when cycling in the dunes or the hills. When you're staying at the hotel, you normally give the batteries to the receptionist, but if you argue enough that you're always late, (s)he'll hand over the chargers for the e-bike's batteries so you can charge them yourself.

Breakfast and dinner are in a non-smoking area - the whole hotel is a non-smoking area, but you can also eat outside, where smoking is allowed.
When you are on vacation in Zeeland you use your bike and not your car. Thus, since we had the chance, instead of bringing our own bikes, we rented an e-bike, brand Rivel (which is Union, which is DBG), as part of the stay. This was a truly amazing experience. We have never used an e-bike before, but thought about it, so this was our chance! And this Rivel bike was really amazing. I always cycled at the maximum e-speed of 25 km/h without any much energy. These e-bikes are a disaster if you are trying to lose weight, but a real treat when cycling in the dunes or the hills. When you're staying at the hotel, you normally give the batteries to the receptionist, but if you argue enough that you're always late, (s)he'll hand over the chargers for the e-bike's batteries so you can charge them yourself.
Hotel Adler
Sun, Apr 11 2010, 17:08 Hotel, Travel, Vacation PermalinkThis weekend I had to replace two 80GB drives in an Xserve with two 1TB drives. The server is co-located at TCC, Möglingen, so I decided to drive there on saturday, perform the switch on sunday and arrange a meeting in Philippsburg on monday and then back home. So I was in need of a place to sleep.
The only good hotel near Möglingen with a room available was Hotel Adler. I booked a room for one, online, which is cool. The hotel is in Asperg, which is on or near the Fachwerkstraße - below is a picture that shows the old building. They have free WLAN, which is cool too! And finally a good bed! The people are very friendly and the service is great. Watch out for the 'heavy-from-the-butter' croissants, though, they are real calorie bombs but taste great ;-)
I always have a dèja vu when I drive through Germany, which, I found out, originates from my childhood when I played with my Märklin model train. All the model houses, stations, crossings, tunnels, etc. are modeled after real-life Germany. And it is only now that I am in Germany a lot, that I actually see the resemblance in real life. So Germany is sort of 'known territory', although I've never actually lived here.

The only good hotel near Möglingen with a room available was Hotel Adler. I booked a room for one, online, which is cool. The hotel is in Asperg, which is on or near the Fachwerkstraße - below is a picture that shows the old building. They have free WLAN, which is cool too! And finally a good bed! The people are very friendly and the service is great. Watch out for the 'heavy-from-the-butter' croissants, though, they are real calorie bombs but taste great ;-)
I always have a dèja vu when I drive through Germany, which, I found out, originates from my childhood when I played with my Märklin model train. All the model houses, stations, crossings, tunnels, etc. are modeled after real-life Germany. And it is only now that I am in Germany a lot, that I actually see the resemblance in real life. So Germany is sort of 'known territory', although I've never actually lived here.

Sleeping and Breakfast in Mannheim
Sun, Nov 08 2009, 09:20 Food, Hotel, Restaurant, Vacation Permalink![]() | We were in Mannheim for the weekend to visit friends. They show us around and take us to various really nice places. For example, this Best Western Premier hotel Steubenhof. It's a great hotel with very nice rooms and a great breakfast (€23 extra) and you can get to the center of Mannheim quite easy. But you can also have breakfast someplace else! |
![]() Have breakfast at Fody's - eat as much as you want for a fixed price. And they serve a really good breakfast. You can find Fody at Mannheim's Airport | ![]() |