Mon, Feb 20 2012, 21:50 Lasso, programming PermalinkI just edited the tag mv_timeMenu on tagSwap. Because copy/paste on tagSwap does something with line endings that makes much code end up all being on one line, I post the routine here too. Simply copy & paste.
Creates a list of time values inside a <select></select>. Example:
<select name="xyz" class="abc" id="def">
[mv_timeMenu(-fromHour=800, -toHour=2300, -minutes=25, -selected=$db_value]
define_tag('mv_timeMenu', -optional='fromhour', -copy, -optional='tohour', -copy, -optional='minutes', -copy, -optional='selected', -copy, -optional='firstblank', -EncodeNone);
local('result' = '', 'p' = 0, 'z' = 0, 'h' = 0, 'm' = 0, 'y' = 0, 'f' = false);
if(! local_defined('firstblank'));
local('firstblank' = 0);
else(integer(#firstblank) <= 0);
#firstblank = 0;
#firstblank = integer(#firstblank);
if(! local_defined('fromhour'));
local('fromhour' = 0);
else(integer(#fromhour) <= 0);
#fromhour = 0;
#fromhour = integer(#fromhour);
if(! local_defined('tohour'));
local('tohour' = 2359);
else(integer(#tohour) <= 0 || integer(#tohour) >= 2400);
#tohour = 2359;
#tohour = integer(#tohour);
if(! local_defined('minutes'));
local('minutes' = 15);
else(integer(#minutes) <= 0);
#minutes = 15;
#minutes = integer(#minutes);
#result = '<option value="" ';
if(#selected == '');
#result += ' selected="selected"';
#result += '></option>';
// Calculate correct starting point
#z = #fromhour;
#h = integer(#z / 100); // Take hours-part
#m = #z - (#h * 100); // Take minutes-part
#y = integer(#m / #minutes); // Calculate how many times the frequency fits
// Calculate new minutes-starting-point
if(#m == (#y * #minutes));
#m = #y * #minutes;
#m = (#y + 1) * #minutes;
#y = integer(#m / 60); // Calculate how many hours minutes-starting-point contains
#h += #y; // Add those hours to the hours-part
#m -= (#y * 60); // Subtract the hours from minutes-starting-point
#z = (#h * 100) + #m; // Construct new time
#p = 0;
#f = false;
while(#z <= #tohour);
#result += '<option value="' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '####', 'R') + '" ';
if(!#f && #selected != '' && #selected >= #p && #selected <= #z);
#result += ' selected="selected"';
#f = true;
#result += '>' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '##:##', 'R') + '</option>';
#p = #z; // Save previous time
#h = integer(#z / 100); // Take hours-part
#m = #z - (#h * 100); // Take minutes-part
#m += #minutes; // Add interval to the minutes to get total-minutes
#y = integer(#m / 60); // Calculate how many hours total-minutes contains
#h += #y; // Add those hours to the hours-part
#m -= (#y * 60); // Subtract the hours from total-minutes
#z = (#h * 100) + #m; // Construct new time
Creates a list of time values inside a <select></select>. Example:
<select name="xyz" class="abc" id="def">
[mv_timeMenu(-fromHour=800, -toHour=2300, -minutes=25, -selected=$db_value]
define_tag('mv_timeMenu', -optional='fromhour', -copy, -optional='tohour', -copy, -optional='minutes', -copy, -optional='selected', -copy, -optional='firstblank', -EncodeNone);
local('result' = '', 'p' = 0, 'z' = 0, 'h' = 0, 'm' = 0, 'y' = 0, 'f' = false);
if(! local_defined('firstblank'));
local('firstblank' = 0);
else(integer(#firstblank) <= 0);
#firstblank = 0;
#firstblank = integer(#firstblank);
if(! local_defined('fromhour'));
local('fromhour' = 0);
else(integer(#fromhour) <= 0);
#fromhour = 0;
#fromhour = integer(#fromhour);
if(! local_defined('tohour'));
local('tohour' = 2359);
else(integer(#tohour) <= 0 || integer(#tohour) >= 2400);
#tohour = 2359;
#tohour = integer(#tohour);
if(! local_defined('minutes'));
local('minutes' = 15);
else(integer(#minutes) <= 0);
#minutes = 15;
#minutes = integer(#minutes);
#result = '<option value="" ';
if(#selected == '');
#result += ' selected="selected"';
#result += '></option>';
// Calculate correct starting point
#z = #fromhour;
#h = integer(#z / 100); // Take hours-part
#m = #z - (#h * 100); // Take minutes-part
#y = integer(#m / #minutes); // Calculate how many times the frequency fits
// Calculate new minutes-starting-point
if(#m == (#y * #minutes));
#m = #y * #minutes;
#m = (#y + 1) * #minutes;
#y = integer(#m / 60); // Calculate how many hours minutes-starting-point contains
#h += #y; // Add those hours to the hours-part
#m -= (#y * 60); // Subtract the hours from minutes-starting-point
#z = (#h * 100) + #m; // Construct new time
#p = 0;
#f = false;
while(#z <= #tohour);
#result += '<option value="' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '####', 'R') + '" ';
if(!#f && #selected != '' && #selected >= #p && #selected <= #z);
#result += ' selected="selected"';
#f = true;
#result += '>' + mv_fmtnum(#z, '##:##', 'R') + '</option>';
#p = #z; // Save previous time
#h = integer(#z / 100); // Take hours-part
#m = #z - (#h * 100); // Take minutes-part
#m += #minutes; // Add interval to the minutes to get total-minutes
#y = integer(#m / 60); // Calculate how many hours total-minutes contains
#h += #y; // Add those hours to the hours-part
#m -= (#y * 60); // Subtract the hours from total-minutes
#z = (#h * 100) + #m; // Construct new time
Foto: Glowing Cave
Thu, Feb 16 2012, 03:09 Art, iPhone, Photo Permalink
Glowing Cave
I created this poster on my iPhone 4 with the Phoster-app. The only post processing was to lighten it a bit, with Preview.
To view my original image used in the poster, click the poster.
'Transfer services from server to server' mind map
Tue, Feb 14 2012, 10:27 Mac OS X, Mindmaps, Projectmanagement, Webserver PermalinkUsing mind maps to follow your thoughts and track your findings is really a superb experience, every time again. And especially MindMeister, because it is 'in the cloud', i.e. web-based and can be accessed from anywhere and almost anything.
Every one of my personal projects goes into MindMeister if it involves more than just a few scribbles. In this mind map, I have noted all steps I must take, with all peculiarities that arise in the process, to transfer web sites and services from one server to another, in this case from a virtual CentOS server to a co-located MacMini Server from 2011. Mind you, the MacMini Server is no toy anymore - it is blazing fast!
I find this mind map quite interesting and since I am not the only one in the world doing stuff like this, I thought I'd share it so you, reader, might find the information in it somehow useful.

Every one of my personal projects goes into MindMeister if it involves more than just a few scribbles. In this mind map, I have noted all steps I must take, with all peculiarities that arise in the process, to transfer web sites and services from one server to another, in this case from a virtual CentOS server to a co-located MacMini Server from 2011. Mind you, the MacMini Server is no toy anymore - it is blazing fast!
I find this mind map quite interesting and since I am not the only one in the world doing stuff like this, I thought I'd share it so you, reader, might find the information in it somehow useful.

Fri, Feb 10 2012, 17:14 Drinks, Wine PermalinkBrowsing the wines in our supermarket, I stumbled across a wine that really stood out: Slurp! Since I am always in to try something new, especially bio-/eco-wines and their statement on the label, I went for it. Well, a super wine! I can really recommend this one! The label is transparent and I used a blue background while scanning, so the text would be pleasantly readable. | ![]() |