Oracle Instant Client + oci8 for PHP and Apache on macOS Mojave #oracle #oci8 #php #macos
Tue, Mar 24 2020, 11:56 Database, Mac OS X, PHP, programming, Webserver Permalink
I was totally new to using Oracle Instant Client on macOS Mojave, so I had to spend days to figure out and try out on how to get it installed (easy) and how to get the oci8 shared library installed (the hard and most time-consuming part) for use with PHP at both the CLI and in Apache. I have been on many, many websites and read many, many instructions, and I want to thank everyone who put so much effort in clarifying something that actually should be very simple nowadays.
After having read and tried so many tips and tricks, I ended up summarizing what worked for me, which I wrote down on Oracle Instant Client + OCI8 on Macos Mojave for PHP .
The Blogspot Stack 1.3.0 for Stacks with RapidWeaver
Fri, Mar 20 2020, 13:06 Blog, Mac OS X, PHP, programming, RapidWeaver, software Permalink
Version 1.3.0 of the Blogspot.stack was released on 20 Mar 2020
If you purchased this stack, you can download the latest version via your Paddle account.
If not, you can read more about it here .
Changes, additions and fixes:
- Minimum number of posts was limited to 5. This has been changed to 1.