SetEXIFData 7.8
Sun, Jun 09 2019, 12:33 Apple, Mac OS X, Photo, Photography, software, video, Xojo Permalink
A new version of SetEXIFData , my GUI for exiftool by Phil Harvey , is now available:
(09 Juni 2019)
- Added a '%-d', '%-s' and '%-t' as placeholders when renaming files. The '-' indicates that dates and times will be formatted with a minus-sign: YYYY-MM-DD and HH-MM[-SS].
- The preset 'Artist' does no longer save nor read the camera-data to its presets. Use the new preset-menu on the Camera-tab for that.
- Fixed the usage of the placeholders while renaming files. The placehodler %s and %t sometimes read incorrect date/time data and so could have messed up your new file names.
- Fixed the usage of the checkboxes with the dates. DateTimeOriginal is not modified anymore when 'Set the EXIF Create Dates/Times...' is unchecked. When 'Set the EXIF Create Dates/Times...' is unchecked and 'Set the File Creat Date/Time...' is checked, and you specified a static interval, the interval is added to the EXIF date and then used to modify the Finder's dates.